Is the media about to die?

Connor Hoyt
Jun 04, 2017 06:13 PM 0 Answers
Member Since May 2017
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Connor Hoyt
Jun 04, 2017 06:13 PM 0 Answers
Member Since May 2017
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Traditional media is dead! We are headed into a new age! Who are we kidding? The news has changed so much in the last few decades. In the next ten years, we will be dealing with a completely different situation.

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I don’t think of new forms of media as replacements, but rather, more options to choose from. Our present culture is a culture of “more.” So if Twitter isn’t doing it for someone in a moment in time, perhaps they’ll switch on the news, or hop on Facebook. I don’t think the problem is that media is dying, but rather that humans have to adjust and adapt to evolve with a rapidly expanding and developing media. We have an obligation as business people and creatives not only to keep up with trends and continue to be relevant and decipher and navigate through developing mediums, but also to maintain our knowledge of the mediums in our repertoire, because as it has been said, they ain’t going anywhere: they will continue to progress us forward.

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There are more places to go to get information. When TV and radio came out newspapers survived. There will always be new forms to market. Old fors may have to adjust or recreate themselves in different forms to survive but most do figure out a new way to succeeed.

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