on your own or with a classmate,choose one of the following goods or services.decide whether you want to market it as a consumer product or a business product.now create a brand name and marketing strategy for your product.a.lawnmover repair store.b.hardware store.c.soft drink.d.english language class

Jan 18, 2017 07:02 AM 0 Answers
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Jan 18, 2017 07:02 AM 0 Answers
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This appears to be a homework or student oriented question. There is no specific answer but an opinion. Of the four choices we would select English language class. Soft drink is highly competitive and you have to deal with Coca-Cola Pepsi and many others. Obtaining space and bringing a brand to market would be most expensive. Hardware stores would be competing with Home Depot and other similar stores where competition is quite high and the market share of hardware stores is decreasing. Lawn mower repair is a vey narrow niche but not many people are going to have theirs repaired based upon cost of replacement and number of people needing a lawn mower repaired. English language classes have the best opportunity to succeed among your choices, is not expensive to begin and has a high increasing demand. There are probably more consumers then businesses needing English language classes. Businesses can afford to pay more but there are no specific industries that need English language classes so we would stick with consumers. Brand name would be EnglishNow. Our marketing strategy would focus on Want to make more money then learning English is your ticket. Focusing on the Spanish/Mexican market in areas where there are many Mexicans who could get a better job if the spoke English.

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