xgibbousx | Profile

xgibbousx 211 Rep.
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211 Reputation 15 This month

I run OC Web Kings and we do custom website and mobile app development.

Registered September 16, 2016
March 22, 2018
Received an upvote
November 29, 2016
Received an upvote
November 29, 2016
Received an upvote
November 29, 2016
Received an upvote
November 29, 2016

I think the best way to cost effectively advertise your service is as follows:

1. Make your own WordPress website that explains what you do, your unique selling propositions, the benefits of working with you, quotes from your previous customers, a call to action (e.g. get a free quote), and a contact form. You should also try to offer something of value (e.g. an ebook) in exchange for their name and email address.

2. Make sure the website SEO is dialed in. See http://www.askbrien.com/questions-and-answers/traffic/.

3. Advertise on any of the free platforms. One of the best ones is Craigslist. The key to advertising on Craigslist is to do it twice a day every day for the life of your business. Never miss a post, never miss a day no matter how long it seems you have been doing it without a result. I have gotten a lot of huge deals through Craigslist by just being persistent.

1 September 30, 2016