How important have good employees been to your success ?

Dec 15, 2016 08:23 AM 0 Answers
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Dec 15, 2016 08:23 AM 0 Answers
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Extremely important. Good employees are a huge part of an organization. Surrounding yourself with people more talented then yourself allows your business to grow. Good hires expand your business because everything you do and your employees do get you closer to achieving your goals. Lets use an example. You have an employee responsible for social media. The employee integrates, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn to post information concurrently, The employee makes certain users can share your posts with their friends and others. You may get 5 more users everyday. Over one year you may get 1500 users. Those users can be monetized versus an employee who doesn’t show up for work, when they do show up they spend their time on the internet and texting and they post to Facebbok three times and tweet once. The good employee will increase your business 1500 and the other employee significantly less. This is one value aspect of having a good employee.

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