Ask Brien offers great ways for you to take your business to the next level and become a successful business. Take a look at these tips from other experts in business.

50 Entrepreneurs Share Priceless Advice
50 Entrepreneurs share priceless advice. Listen to 50 business leaders tell you how you can improve your business.
How To Set Up Your Accounting Books In Less Than One Hour – Part I In Excel
Set up of accounting books for demo company, sole-proprietorship – My Five Sense, in Excel
The Secret Science Of Advertising
Basically, we’re all brainwashed.
11 Shocking Facts About The World’s Biggest Brands
Wait, Google used to be called WHAT?
Android App
Writing Your First Android App – Everything You Need To Know
In this tutorial we go through the steps needed to build your first Android app. You will create a simple UI, add some Java code, and then run your app.
Business Formation
Business Formation information from Attorney Peter Bronstein
Business Plan
Business Model Canvas Explained
A 2 minute overview of the Business Model Canvas, a tool for visionaries, game changers, and challengers. This method from the bestselling management book Business Model Generation is applied in leading organizations and start-ups worldwide.
Choice Of Entity
Sky Moore – Lesson 12 – Choice of Entity
This video is a presentation of Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP, © 2014 Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP. All rights reserved. This video offers general information and should not be taken or used as legal advice for specific situations, which depend on the evaluation of precise factual circumstances. Please note that Stroock does not undertake to update its videos to reflect subsequent developments. This video may contain attorney advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
Company Name
What’s in a business name? Plenty. Follow this guide to choose a memorable name that will best represent your brand.
5 Characteristics of Great Business Names
What’s in a business name? You want it to be everything. Sadly, many business names are nothing. Deciding on a great business name takes time. It takes thought. Moreover, getting it wrong could spell disaster for your business. Getting it right, however, will give customers a reason to hire you, connect you to your niche market, and save you thousands of marketing dollars.
Customer Management
What is CRM? Customer Relationship Management (CRM) explained.
CRM is a business strategy that puts the focus on meeting the needs for your customer. It does this by utilizing advanced technologies to organize, automate, and integrate the marketing, sales, and customer service components of your business. ISM’s Michael Ferrari shows you exactly how it works.
Domain Name
How important is it to have keywords in a domain name?
How would you explain “The Power of Keyword Domains” to someone looking to take a decision what kind of domain to go for?” McDot, Berlin
Changing your website’s domain name
Learn how to change your website’s domain name.
Do you know the basics of employment law?
Lawsuits and legal complaints have been exploding nationwide over the past decade. It’s important for managers to do their part to prevent legal disputes by knowing the basics of employment law.
Mark Cuban: Only Morons Start a Business on a Loan
Entrepreneur Mark Cuban discusses the U.S. Economy and starting a business with Trish Regan at the Clinton Global Initiative in Chicago on Bloomberg Television’s “Street Smart.” (Source: Bloomberg)
No Money to Start a Business? No Problem. Try These 5 Options.
Follow these simple guidelines to build up a venture of your choosing for little to no capital.
Home Based Business
HOME-BASED BUSINESS: 8 Tips To Starting A Business At Home
I hope you find this video helpful. I share with you 8 tips that helped me start my business at home.
What You Need To Start An Import Export Business
In this video Alex talks about the steps involved when importing from China. If you’re looking for a factory on Alibaba be careful if you’re a beginner importer, be sure to contact us beforehand.
Iphone App
Top 10 Apps for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners
Top ten list of apps and websites business people can use to improve their productivity.
Steve Jobs talks about managing people
“we are organized like a startups”
4 Principles of Marketing Strategy
A short clip from my Total Business Mastery seminar about the 4 Principles of Marketing Strategy. Want to know: How do I get customers? How do I determine my target markets? What’s my competitive advantage?
Digital Marketing Trends Of 2015-2016
Digital marketing trends of 2015 is one of the most talked about topics in the mobile marketing Industry and our Company are Experts In in California and Services include Mobile Website Design and sms marketing and mobile ads.
Merchant Accounts
What is a merchant account and why do you need one?
We answer two of the most asked questions that we receive on our web site: ‘what is a merchant account?’ and ‘why do I need one?’.
Online Traffic
SEO For Dummies: How To Rank In Google
So what is SEO and how can you use it to get your sites to rank in Google? Well in this video I’ll explain it all to you – in plain English.
Payroll Taxes
Why Are Your Payroll Taxes So High?
Did you know the government deducts money out of every paycheck you get? Do you know where that money goes? Watch this short video on payroll taxes to learn more.
Learn how to Set Up Payroll Taxes
Process Management
What is BPM (Business Process Management) in 3 Minutes
This video describes business process management in just a few brief minutes covering (bpm) process methodology and BPM software technology (BPMS) and they facilitate process improvement.
Project Management
Fun training video – ‘Project Manager’
One of fun training videos on project management.
Advertising vs Publicity :MinuteMarketing
Our First Video on Advertising & Publicity just explains the key difference between the two concepts. Advertising your brand is like defending it, just like countries have arms & weapons to defend themselves. Publicity is the big bang of marketing, like Felix Baumgartner jumping towards the earth from the stratosphere.
Is It Better to Buy or Rent Your Place of Business?
Entrepreneur Network partner Peter Esho explains the key limitations of purchasing commercial property and how that might impact your overall business growth.
Reputation Management
Defining Reputation Management and Why It’s Important
Elliot Schreiber Ph.D., clinical professor of marketing and executive director of LeBow College’s Center for Corporate Reputation Management, explains the importance of corporate reputation management in a changing economy and its role in building your company’s brand.
Why workers’ safety is good for business
Learn why workers’ safety is good for business
Sales People
This animated video describes the six universal Principles of Persuasion that have been scientifically proven to make you most effective as reported in Dr. Cialdini’s groundbreaking book, Influence. This video is narrated by Dr. Robert Cialdini and Steve Martin, CMCT (co-author of YES & The Small Big).
Social Media
10 Laws of Social Media Marketing
Do you use social media to market your business? There’s bit of etiquette you should be familiar with. Here are 10 points.
Where To Find Dropshipping & Wholesale Suppliers 2016
The 2016 update for Where To Find Dropshipping & Wholesale Suppliers.
Task Management
5 Task Management Tips for Your Team – Project Management Training
Watch Jennifer Bridges, PMP, explains how to better manager your team’s tasks by following these simple steps.
Small Business Tax Advice and Tax Deductions
The absolute most Important Tax Planning Strategy/Tool You NEED. This is a Cornerstone to Business planning and preparation. This will Change the way you OPERATE. Please watch and share with Anyone You care about. This Tax Advice is perfect for small business. Tax Relief and Tax deductions reviews.
How to Trademark a Company or Product Name
How to choose a strong and available trademark for your company or product, presented by naming expert Mark Skoultchi. Check out our other “How To” videos!
Web Hosting
WordPress Tutorial 1: Introduction
This is the beginning of a series on WordPress. In this initial lesson we learn what WordPress is, why it’s useful, and get a feel for what we’ll learn in upcoming lessons (admin screens, custom theme development).