You may be able to fund it yourself without money. It may not be the smartest method but is doable. You may have credit cards or can get cards. You may be able to get a business loan, a home equity...
View QuestionAgentKate | Answers
Many people believe the best name is one that’s descriptive of the product or service you offer. From a trademark purpose this is inaccurate. The trademark office can deny a name from registration...
View QuestionA non-profit is only if you have no intention of making money and want are benevolent. You can have a salary and earn some funds but the purpose of a non-profit is to assist or help others and not for...
View QuestionThe best answer would be all of the above. If you have an established relationship then you can get someone to buy your product based upon knowing you rather then the specific product. By knowing someone...
View QuestionYou should know the rent, whether their are other amounts due beyond rent like coffee, conference room, copy, scanning, mailing etc. You should find out the cost of internet and telephone so you understand...
View QuestionIf you are Canadian and own real estate in the United States then you must file a tx return with the IRS for you capital gain. You must also file in Canada for the capital gain. Any monies paid to the...
View QuestionThis would be an innovation not an invention. An invention is a unique product created whereas an innovation is an modification, addition or other change to a product. As you indicated email existed...
View QuestionIf you hire an employee you must file payroll taxes at a minimum every quarter. Depending upon the size of your entity you may need to file more frequently. You don’t pick and choose whether someone is an employee or independent contractor.. If you control the person and tell them everything they must do they will generally be an employee requiring you to file payroll and deliver a W-2 on or before February 1 of each year. If the person controls the means of what to do, decides their own hours etc. they may qualify as an independent contractor.
Independent Contractor v Employee
There are numerous tests for an independent contractor. You may be an independent contractor for tax purposes but an employee for workers compensation. The IRS has numerous tests and without the specific details there is no way to know if the person would qualify as an independent contractor. Just signing an independent contractor agreement which you must do if you want to attempt to make someone an independent contrator is not always sufficient. An independent contractor will receive a 1099. The IRS test is here
If you hire an employee you must file payroll taxes at a minimum every quarter. Depending upon the size of your entity you may need to file more frequently. You don’t pick and choose whether someone...
View QuestionInvestors consider the Executive summary-typically the first page summary of your business plan to be the most important part of your business plan. Be grammatically correct. Be concise and give the...
View QuestionYour question has multiple parts. A business license is necessary for operating a business in a city or county. A permit can allow you to operate in certain places. An LLC or operating as a sole proprietor...
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