Hosts: Ron Tunick, Brien Johnson and Lindsay McCoy
Guests: Patrick Fultz, CEO DM Creative Group; Dr. Richard Kaye, CEOSpaceAmerica.com
Topic: Building Your Business
On this episode hosts Ron Tunick, Brien Johnson and Lindsay McCoy sit down and discuss how to Build Your Business and talk with special guests Patrick Fultz, CEO DM Creative Group and Dr. Richard Kaye of CEOSpaceAmerica.com.
Ask Brien begins the episode by talking with Patrick Fultz about direct marketing. Direct marketing classically is the old direct mail or the coupon on an ad.
The reason why people did that was because you were able to track and see how the ad did, Fultz said. When the internet started marketing you could track even better however people didn’t want to call it direct marketing, but almost everything that is out there now is direct marketing.
I always get the question when someone starts a new business, What should I do or What do I need to do?, Ron said. I always tell them you need to start and make a list and create a following.
That is great advice, Fultz said. In the old days we used to say List, Offer, Creative, in that order. A list is the most critical thing to have: to build to have to access.
Ask Brien welcomes Dr. Richard Kaye and discusses how to build a business the right way.
It is important to build business gently, Kaye said. You don’t go to the gym and expect to be toned with a six pack after one day, it’s a process.
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