Hosts: Brien Johnson
Guests: Heather DeSantis
Topic: Managing Public Relations
Ask Brien Radio Show airs weekly on Thursday from 1 PM – 2 PM on KHTS AM 1220
On this episode, Host Brien Johnson starts the show discussing the new and improved Askbrien.com.
At Askbrien.com, a new video feature is live where you can watch videos made by experts to help you get a better understanding about your business and tips you can implement starting TODAY!
Brien welcomes special guest Heather DeSantis to the show. Heather is in public relations and has years of experience working with nationally known food brands and restaurants.
“Why would someone go to a PR expert rather than an Ad agency, or using Google Adwords or doing it themselves,” Brien asked. “What are the advantages of having a public relations expert.”
First and foremost, you are getting someone who is heavily invested in you and into your businesses, Heather said. As a business owner you are busy doing multiple things that market and advertising might be an after thought. So by hiring a PR expert you are getting someone who will put their entire focus on marketing your business and getting your message out into the world.
“With hiring a PR person you as a business owner knows who you are actually working with,” heather said. “At an AD agency you might never meet the actual person handling your business or might not meet everyone that is assigned to your account.”
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