Best websites to find qualified candidates for our jobs?

Apr 21, 2017 07:21 PM 0 Answers
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Apr 21, 2017 07:21 PM 0 Answers
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There are a number of websites for finding qualified candidates. You can use a recruiting agency as well though they charge a percentage of the employee’s salary. is the largest. Indeed and Zip recruiter exist as well. As an employer you pay for your job postings. Have you ever considered the job board? They do not charge the employer nor the employee

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There are many job boards available providing different types of services. You’ll find that posting to the larger job board sites will get you a lot of response, but it won’t be specified responses. The large job boards are best for the type of work that does not require a specific skill set. You’ll get a wide range of responses from the CareerBuilder and Monster type of boards, but If you are looking for a very specific type of person/profile, you can find yourself spending a lot of time trying to sift through the abundance of resumes that flood your way. It can be overwhelming and I’ve found myself spending so much time sifting through unqualified resumes that I eventually stop opening the emails. If you’re looking for a specific skill set, I would suggest first starting with a smaller, industry specific site. You’ll have less response but the replies you do get will be more in line with the experience you seek.

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