How to get equipment financing

Jan 24, 2017 01:54 AM 0 Answers
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2523 viewsEquipment
Jan 24, 2017 01:54 AM 0 Answers
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Equipment financing is typically secured by the lessor, meaning if you default they take the equipment back. As the lessor has the right to take back the equipment the issues for the lessor revolve around the equipment valuation and how quickly it depreciates. If the equipment will last a long time and the leasing is short term that will make it easier to lease. If the equipment will be outdated quickly like a server and the lease term is beyond the useful like of the equipment it will be tougher to obtain a lease. There are many types of leases. Some are true leases and you are essentially renting the equipment for a time period. Sometimes you are actually buying the equipment with a $1.00 payoff. These are all factors in obtaining a lease. Obviously your credit is extremely important but not the only factor in obtaining a lease. Your assets and debts will matter as well.

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