What are the advantages and disadvantages to signing an arbitration agreement in a job?

May 08, 2017 01:10 PM 0 Answers
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May 08, 2017 01:10 PM 0 Answers
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Most employers require an arbitration clause if they have one. Just like websites require you to click on a box to register, most employers with arbitration clauses require you to sign one. Arbitration is generally conducted by a private entity of retired Judges like the American Arbitration Association. Employers like arbitrators because they are less likely to decide by emotions like a jury with a potential runaway verdict. Arbitration is usually quicker then a lawsuit. Also arbitrators can decide discovery options. One arbitrator refused to allow written discovery only depositions. The arbitrator is in charge and the arbitrator charges a fee in addition to the organization to file while a Judge does not charge and the filing fee is usually significantly less in Court.

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