What is a Dunn & Bradstreet number, and how do I get one?

Oct 14, 2016 11:21 AM 0 Answers
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Oct 14, 2016 11:21 AM 0 Answers
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Dunn & Bradstreet is a credit rating agency in the United States for business. Think of it as a credit bureau for businesses as opposed to consumers. If you have a sole proprietorship then the consumer credit bureaus will receive credit information. D & B is well known and the most prominent for businesses. To apply for business debt you will probably need a D & B number. To apply for an iphone app you generally need a D & B number as well. To obtain a D & B umber the easiest method is to go to the D & B website and apply online or call directly. The number is on their website. Last time I applied I received the number immediately and they requested a lot of confidential information..

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