Ask Brien Radio Show airs weekly on Thursday from 2 PM – 3 PM on KHTS AM 1220.
This week’s episode began with the McDonald’s vending machine. Coach Ron Tunick and Lindsay McCoy discussed how amazed they were that McDonalds could attempt such a concept. Brien Johnson discussed how McDonald’s only offered this newest channel when requested by their customers “Give the customers what they want” and that vending machines offering food have been around for decades at airports and factories to get a cup of soup or sandwich.
The revelations of Justin Herring when interviewed by the hosts were amazing. Justin owns Yeah-local.com an SEO company. Search Engine Optimization (“SEO”) refers to having your website rank as high as possible when searching. Paid searches cost lots of money as you normally pay per click. SEO allows you to appear at the top of the organic listings- Listings under paid advertising. Usually the search engine will sell ads for the top 3 spots and then allow rankings. These rankings are organic. The beauty is you don’t pay for organic rankings directly. You can be at the top of Google, Yahoo or Bing that can translate to many sales and money.
Yeah-local.com focuses on optimizing your site locally and is great for businesses with a local presence. Justin Herring mentioned that content and linking to relevancy sites is key to SEO and has years of experience helping businesses. You need to listen to the broadcast to get the full understanding.
If you own a business and operate a website, search engine optimization is a must when it comes to understanding how to drive traffic to your business. On this episode of Ask Brien, the Coach, Brien and Lindsay speak with Justin Herring, SEO Specialist, about how to make this happen.
Segment 1 – McDonald’s Automatic Teller Machines
According to USA Today, McDonald’s has launched an ATM that will dispense sandwiches, allowing customers to bypass the order line.
Why did you create askbrien.com?
“I love to educate people … there are many business owners that have problems and don’t know where to go.” – Brien Johnson
“We are a knowledge-based resource for people … we are your encyclopedia for business. The whole goal of the website is to help businesses grow.” – Brien Johnson
Segment 2 – SEO Techniques interview with Justin Herring.
Hosts Brien Johnson and Lindsay McCoy will discuss business owners questions and offer the best advice to help you create and maintain a successful business.
Sometimes you have a situation and you do not have the answer. You can call a friend, but do you want them to know you have a problem? You could call a CPA/Lawyer or business consultant-but at what price?
Having a network of others in similar situations is a great place to get your answer, and IT’S FREE!
Ask Brien Radio Show will feature CEO of the Week, Roundtable-Business Issue of the Week, Startup of the Week, Tech Challenge of the Week, Editorial and more!
About AskBrien.com
We are a business community where business owners can ask other business owners questions and receive responses. We are focused solely on business. We don’t discuss anything but business on our site. Every business question is important to the person or entity asking that question.
We are here to assist you in any business issue you need resolved. Every business has phases of development and every business owner has questions for which they seek answers.
We are a resource for you to obtain information to common questions such Ask Brien Radio Show – Askbrien.com as Should I incorporate? What is a registered trademark? Do I need a domain? What’s hosting? Why do I need a website? How can I create an iPhone and Android app? Am I paying too much in merchant fees? How do I get traffic? Ask Brien is here to help you. We look forward to your interaction.