An employee has difficulty in understanding the presentation, because the speakers use a lot of technical terms and computer jargon. What barrier to effective listening has an employee encountered?

Dec 06, 2016 09:16 AM 0 Answers
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Dec 06, 2016 09:16 AM 0 Answers
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Barrier is a tricky word. Certain employees are hired for professional and specific roles. Some must have certain degrees for a job. The employer though is typically held to the standard that the employee will require some training for some jobs. If the employee does not understand the technical jargon you may need to teach the employee. A lot depends of what role the employee was hired, whether certain degrees or training was required of the employee prior to being hired. What type of company do you have? Are you a technology company or a manufacturer? These too can effect your requirements. Generally train the employee enough so they can understand the jargon depending on what role the employee was hired. As to barrier of the employee, the employee will not get much out of listening to a speaker if he or she doesn’t understand what the Speaker is stating.

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