Auto transport in new jersey
The basics would include forming the legal entity that is the owner of the truck you will be using for transporting. You need to determine if you are limiting yourself to transportation intrastate-within New Jersey exclusively or beyond the borders of New Jersey. The registration of the truck if used beyond New Jersey may require registration in those states where you will be transporting automobiles. The registration of the truck will need to be registered commercially. You will also need to obtain a DOT (Department of Transportation) registration number. You will need the DOT to obtain insurance for both the vehicles you are transporting and your truck. The type of truck you have will determine the classification you must register your vehicle. Will you be transporting new cars? used cars? personal cars? classic cars? These will effect how much insurance coverage you will need. Please forward more specifics to us to help you.

thank you for the great response. i want to transport local and long distance. ive never read anything about out of state registrations before. the DOT i have looked in to but cant find a straight answer any where. i just tried emailing the again the other day but i assume from the holidays i wont be hearing from anyone till after the new year. ill transport anything my truck and trailer can handle safely. 59 caddilac to a 2017 bmw, doesn’t bother me. i imagine ill be somewhere in the neighborhood of 250k coverage to start. i’m really pushing for this, im tired of dead end jobs and jerk bosses.