I have a great business idea but no money to fund it. What are some options for funding my business?

Apr 14, 2017 03:08 PM 0 Answers
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Apr 14, 2017 03:08 PM 0 Answers
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You may be able to fund it yourself without money. It may not be the smartest method but is doable. You may have credit cards or can get cards. You may be able to get a business loan, a home equity loan or a loan on stocks, life insurance policies or retirement accounts. Next family and friends. Vendors too may fund you indirectly by providing credit to you. To obtain money from an outside investor is very difficult and may require some funding. You probably will need a lawyer and a well thought out business plan. Then you will have to prepare a private placement memorandum or other documents that may require a CPA or others. You can also try by selling a small quanity of products or similar products to build funds. Sell $200.00 of products for $500.00 then buy $500.00 of products and sell those for $1250. Buy more and sell more and you will have funds you never thought you would have.

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