Market Research: How do you REALLY build an understanding of what is going on? Beyond the data and statistics.

Connor Hoyt
May 22, 2017 11:51 AM 0 Answers
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Connor Hoyt
May 22, 2017 11:51 AM 0 Answers
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No one can predict the future 100%. Days and statistics provide information for a set period of time. At that moment the data is accurate and is now prior data. You can sometimes see patterns and predict from those patterns what may happen. Anything is possible and things constant change. You want to get the best data you can, analyze the data and take an educated guess of what will happen. You have a better chance of predicting but there is no quarantee. Gut instinct can work just as well as predictive modules. It’s not exact but using data is better and more predictable then no data.

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