Should courts step in to prevent Google and Microsoft from dominating their industries?

Feb 10, 2017 11:18 AM 0 Answers
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Feb 10, 2017 11:18 AM 0 Answers
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Also watch out for Amazon! lol

This is a very thought provoking question.

It then starts up a debate about the government’s cause for intervention—simply industry dominance? I’m not so sure… But what it does with that power/dominance– that’s a different story.

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I think that it is important to note that Apple is currently the largest company in the world. They have estimated billions in liquidity. They have changed the technology industry and now dominate it. They are able to ignore public opinion and profit off of proprietary hardware that is sold as an inconvenience. They have single-handedly made CDs and Auxilary cords obsolete with the release certain products. The original Macbook Air ended CDs and the iPhone 7 killed the auxilary cord wit the release of lighting only modification.

If any company would be argued to be reviewed it should be google.

But here is why i disagree that google should be investigated. I believe that Apple has increased the quality of life for many.

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This is an opinion. The facts are that Microsoft was engaged in a long lawsuit with the USA over anti-trust issues. I believe it was 10 years or more before a settlement was approved. Google too has been attacked under anti-trust laws. Companies like google, Microsoft and others contribute jobs to many people and make society more efficient. These companies became dominant when they created their own ecosystems and highly successful products. Innovation continues though their are many big companies out their. So long as innovation continues their is no need -but this is a personal opinion in response to a personal question. The Courts have and will continue to step in when laws are violated especially anti-trust laws.

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