What are the impact on bussiness of FLSA, ADAAA, and ERISA?

Feb 05, 2017 11:50 AM 0 Answers
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1884 viewsBusiness Management
Feb 05, 2017 11:50 AM 0 Answers
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You are asking 3 different questions and each has a different impact. The FSLA refers to the Fair Standard Labor Act dealing with wage and hour laws. Most issues deal with overtime and whether accurate wages were paid. The employer is required to accurately pay employees. Sometimes emplyers may mischaracterize and emplyee whther they are entitled to overtime and the group caan pursue action against the employer. The impact is employers must know who is entitled to overtime and make sure they are paid or they may be subject to a lawsuit. The ADA refers to the American Disability Act. The main characteristiics are that employers must make reasonable accomodations for employees and they must have their facilities accessible by disabled that was grandfathered meaning you dont have to rebuild to accomodate but when you remodel then you must accommoodate. Employers msut respect disabled. ERISA is to protect employees when they have a benefit like retirement or health insurance. The impact is these programs are to protect employees but make it difficult for employers to offer benefits due to the administrative costs

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