What is best esmiate for pricing for a bar/restaurant

Jan 01, 2017 12:37 AM 0 Answers
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Jan 01, 2017 12:37 AM 0 Answers
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There are many variables to estimate opening a bar or restaurant. For a bar you need a liquor license and it may or may not even be available. Some liquor licenses can be hundreds of thousands of dollars. This will greatly affect your estimate. Where your restaurant is located will also impact expenses. New York City versus Helena Montana for leading or buying the property will vary greatly. The type of restaurant will effect cost as well. A taco stand versus a high end seafood restaurant will require more equipment, more tables and supplies, a bigger kitchen, a chef versus a teenage cook, working capital to get you started and a grand opening to get people to your spot are all considerations in estimating costs. Inventory for a full premium bar versus a beer only or nonalcoholic restaurant will again affect the estimate.

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