CPAP Titration | Profile

CPAP Titration 10 Rep.
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Contact Address: 1117 Brighton Beach Ave, 2nd Floor, Suite 2A Brooklyn, NY 11235 Phone: 347-502-2752 Website: About US: During a CPAP titration study, members of the sleep team will calibrate your CPAP. The goal is to find the right amount of air pressure to prevent your upper airway from becoming blocked. This eliminates breathing pauses in your sleep. When you show up for the study in the early evening, you will be fitted with a nasal mask that is connected by a tube to a small electric unit. The fitting process is an important first step in the CPAP titration. Be sure to tell the technologist if the mask is uncomfortable or if there are air leaks around the edges of the mask. The electric unit has a fan that blows air through the tube, into your mask. When you wear the mask, the air will gently blow into the back of your throat. Related Searches: Sleep clinic sleep clinic near me| best sleep clinic| affordable sleep clinic| sleep apnea test| sleep apnea treatment| narcolepsy test| narcolepsy treatment| cpap titration| best sleep specialist |sleep center clinic Brooklyn| sleep doctors Brooklyn| Brooklyn NY Additional Details Hours: 24 h Payment Accepted: Cash, all cc GMB:

Registered April 15, 2021
April 14, 2021