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Shockwave For Erectile Dysfunction Contact Address: 39 W 29TH ST FL 11, New York, NY 10001 Phone: 347-220-8385 Website URL: About US: Erectile dysfunction (ED) can cause stress in relationships and affect self-esteem. ED is the inability to have and maintain an erection for sex and a reduction in libido. Many men have this issue from time to time and need to seek erectile dysfunction help. Possible treatments include natural remedies for erectile dysfunction, like low-intensity shockwave therapy and erectile dysfunction medicines. What Can Cause Erectile Dysfunction? Sometimes ED is due to an underlying health condition. Treating this can be enough to reverse the issue. There is often a link between undiagnosed diabetes and erectile dysfunction. Another potential cause is heart disease. People in poor health are more at risk of ED. As the risk of disease increases as we get older, there can be a link between erectile dysfunction and age. Sexual arousal is complicated, involving emotions, hormones, blood vessels, nerves, and the brain. ED can be caused by any of these or by stress and psychological problems. It can be due to a combination of factors. Anxiety about sexual performance can worsen ED. Erectile Dysfunction Treatment When you see our erectile dysfunction doctor at ReBalance, we treat you holistically, assessing your general health and all possible factors that could cause ED. A successful erection needs a good blood flow to the penis. We can assess if there might be a physical reason like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or the lingering effects of coronavirus, causing erectile dysfunction. ED is often caused by vasculogenic erectile dysfunction, where the penis cannot receive enough blood. Usually, men with mild to moderate vasculogenic ED are offered PDE5 inhibitors. This oral medication is generally well-tolerated and helps activate natural mechanisms to achieve an erection, but other stimuli are often needed for full arousal. What To Expect When You Visit Rebalance For Ed? You will need to see our erectile dysfunction doctor. They will then review your medical history and assess the severity of your ED. Once the doctor has this information, they can review a suitable treatment plan with you and discuss what to expect, and of course, they can answer all your questions about this therapy. What Is The Success Rate For Low-Intensity Shockwave Therapy For Ed? Generally, the success rate for this treatment is more than 60%. Men who had no erections can have penetrative sex. Those who previously used medicines, but had seen their efficacy decline, now find these medicines are effective again. Some men who used medicines successfully can stop taking erectile dysfunction pills after shockwave therapy. Treatment typically lasts for about a year. Call us at (347) 2208385 Related Searches Doctor, men’s doctor, erectile dysfunction doctor, erectile dysfunction specialist, shockwave for erectile dysfunction, New York, Manhattan, NY. Additional Details Working Hours:Mon-Fri 9am-7pm Sat 10am-5pm Payment method: All cc, cash GMB Listing

Registered June 17, 2022
June 17, 2022