How should you exchange gifts with coworkers?

Connor Hoyt
Jun 05, 2017 01:59 PM 0 Answers
Member Since May 2017
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Connor Hoyt
Jun 05, 2017 01:59 PM 0 Answers
Member Since May 2017
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Little random gifts as incentives are nice depending on company culture.

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I think giving gifts around the holidays can be a lovely gesture. Giving a co worker or a supervisor a gift any time of the year can be a good way to show your appreciation after help with a big project, or just to boost morale!

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I think giving gifts around the holidays can be a lovely gesture. Giving a co worker or a supervisor a gift any time of the year can be a good way to show your appreciation after help with a big project, or just to boost morale!

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You can’t control what co-workers do outside work. Within work every action you take can affect the morale of the staff. If a co-worker wants to give another co-worker a present then they can give a gift whether you want them to or not, though if there is a motive that one co-worker does not want the gift and speaks to a supervisor that could become a work issue. Even a policy prohibiting gift giving can be cicumvented.

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