Should I try to build a website myself (i.e., Wix) or should I hire an establihed company who specialized in web development?

Feb 25, 2017 11:54 AM 0 Answers
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Feb 25, 2017 11:54 AM 0 Answers
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It depends. What is your goal? WIX is limited to certain features and you can’t do things with WIX. Spending a lot of money to create a custom website may be necessary for the features you may want. How quick will you monetize your site. Building a site is a part of an online business. Getting people to your site and converting those people to paying customers is another item. If you can start with WIX and go to a custom site later you have an opportunity to test before spending lots of money. If your concept requires items not within WIX you have to decide if its worth the risk.

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