what makes a good name for a company?

Apr 14, 2017 05:23 PM 0 Answers
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2937 viewsCompany Name
Apr 14, 2017 05:23 PM 0 Answers
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Many people believe the best name is one that’s descriptive of the product or service you offer. From a trademark purpose this is inaccurate. The trademark office can deny a name from registration when they believe the name is merely descriptive of the product or service offered. Any name that is confusingly similar to another trademark will likewise be denied registration. Names like google, yahoo, ebay or amazon had no meaning when the products were offered. By marketing your name you will get people to remember the name which has the most value. Pick a name that can translate well. General Motors came out with the Nova which sounded great in English but meant “doesn’t work” in another language. Would you buy a car named “Doesn’t work”? Short, easy to pronounce names that do not infringe on another name is the best way to go

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