SHOPRITERX | Reputations

<p>Price is a big element. What price will you receive and is that amount paid in a lump sum or over time. If you are receiving part of the money over time then you need confidence that the buyer can perform. How long will the transaction take to complete. If it takes a long time its usually harder to complete. Again if selling over time will the customers stay? What will you do with the funds your receive? Will you continue to earn a living? Do you have agreements that require your performance. Did you personally guarantee anything?</p> <h3>About Ask Brien</h3> <p><em>Ask Brien is a business community where business owners can ask other business owners questions and receive responses. We at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> are focused solely on business. We don’t discuss anything but business on our site. Every business question is important to the person or entity asking. Ask Brien and the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Ask Brien Radio Show</a> are great resources for you to obtain information to common questions such as: Should I incorporate? What is a registered trademark? Do I need a domain? What’s web-hosting? Why do I need a website? How can I create an iPhone app and Android app? Am I paying too much in merchant fees? How do I get traffic to my website? Ask Brien is here to help you grow your company into a successful business.</em></p>

Price is a big element. What price will you receive and is that amount paid in a lump sum or over time. If you are receiving part of the money over time then you need confidence that the buyer can perform....

March 22, 2018 10