Hosts: Brien Johnson, Kyle Jellings and Lori H. Schwartz AKA Tech Cat Girl
Guest: Lauren Taylor
Topic: Virtual Reality
Ask Brien Radio Show airs weekly on Thursday from 1 PM – 2 PM on KHTS AM 1220.
Host Brien Johnson and Special Co-Host Kyle Jellings discuss how all business owners, novice and experienced, can benefit by utilizing the various features of the Askbrien.com.
Lori Schwartz, AKA Tech Cat Girl, is a digital innovator and has the ability to discern between closely related market trends and hype. As a digital media expert, Lori explains how to use technology and media to attract eyeballs to a product.
Special guest Lauren Taylor joins the show to discuss Virtual Reality, VR, and the future of integrating VR and the business world.
The beauty of Virtual Reality is that users have the ability to experience a time and a place and be devoid of a time and place, Taylor said. For example we have adapted the technology to create a virtual tour of a real estate listing and those that are interested have the ability to open a program on their phone and can have a full immerse tour and literally can be anywhere in the world.
About AskBrien.com
We are a business community where business owners can ask other business owners questions and receive responses. We are focused solely on business. We don’t discuss anything but business on our site. Every business question is important to the person or entity asking that question.
We are a resource for you to obtain information to common questions such Ask Brien Radio Show – Askbrien.com as Should I incorporate? What is a registered trademark? Do I need a domain? What’s hosting? Why do I need a website? How can I create an iPhone and Android app? Am I paying too much in merchant fees? How do I get traffic? Ask Brien is here to help you. We look forward to your interaction.